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What is Eubanks Written Solutions?

We're a writing agency that combines research + words to tell others about your product or service. Marketing materials and sales copy are where we shine. 

Why hire us? 

1. We care.

2. We produce the content we’re contracted for. Sadly, that’s not the norm in the marketing industry. (And, yes, I ended a sentence with a preposition. Rules are meant to be broken, sometimes.)

3. We listen to you. Also, not the norm.


The About page for any site is about determining trust. Do you trust us enough to hire me…and my company?  The facts below may help you decide. 

A 30-minute chat is an even better way to decide, though. 😁

My (Rachel's) first career: an elementary teacher for 13 years

Teaching is the ultimate sales and marketing job. Think about it. My students were dropped off each morning and “forced to shop” at my “place of business.” I quickly learned about client journeys, customers’ wants and needs, hooks to make them lean in further and the importance of data and research. I loved my job but left after 13 years to spend more time with my own children. 


My education: a doctorate in education, a master’s in English, a bachelor’s in the arts

I’ve written until I was sick of writing. How’s that for being truthful?! But I learned 2 things in all of that writing and research during my college days. 

  1. Numbers (i.e., data and research) coupled with words make a whole picture. Numbers alone often fall flat; there’s little context. And only words make people question credibility. 

  2. Words are powerful. No one will “just get it.” You have to tell them. And because you can’t be in the room with everyone, speaking your message face-to-face, the written word gives you an avenue for communicating. 


You should know: I despise writing about my own company. It feels too personal. I LOVE WRITING about other people and their companies. 

It’s the reason I’m good at my job. Cheerleading for others is a natural gift of mine so I created a business to do just that. (Just know - these compliments about myself were hard to write but necessary here.) 

This may also be the reason you’re on my website. If you’re running a small but mighty business, the sales and marketing fall to you. And you’re out of time. And you’re probably out of words because who likes writing about themselves. It’s draining (so we stop doing it. Hence, why you’re here. You know your company needs words.) 


Company Beliefs: 

         1. Treat others how you want to be treated. 

Examples in the marketing industry:  We like kind responses, even if it's a tough conversation. So, we lead with kind responses and with the assumption that we're all doing our best. Another example, if you want a quick turnaround for a project, you quickly respond to emails from my company and vice versa. Now, I’m not talking about responding on weekends! Just in a timely fashion. But that leads to the next company belief. 

        2. Work is important. So are families, rest and fun. 

We work really hard around here. We also play and rest really hard around here. That’s sometimes an unpopular mindset in the “hustle” culture. We find, though, that we’re more creative and productive when we step away from the computer. Also this should be written here - Family comes first. There's only place you and I aren't replaceable - our homes. Once again, we work hard, really hard, but we also aim to love reallly well the people who need us most. 

        3. Be honest. 

An example, if a project isn’t going how you envisioned, tell us when you notice it. If a piece of copy isn’t quality work, tell us. Be honest in your revisions because it saves time and frustration for everyone in the long run. We’ll be honest with you as well. 



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities to serve business owners.

Reach out or connect on LinkedIn. 



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