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Image by Austin Distel

P O D C A S T*

Listen to (gold!) nuggets about business, writing for your business and juggling it all. 


(*Early on, I had a podcast called Inspire to Engage. While I don’t record new episodes any more, the guests I had on were…and still are brilliant.)  

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In this episode...

4 keys to making Upwork work for you, how to write a powerful profile so clients seek you and how not to "grip" for jobs

Ep. 52
Ready for potential clients to come to you? (Compared to the constant hunt for the next client!) Well, this episode with Carly Cheton is just what you need. Learn all about Upwork (a job posting app for freelancers) and the 4 keys to using this app like a boss.

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In this episode...

an honest chat about the pros and cons of Facebook Groups, podcasting and YouTube

Ep. 50
We all want to build a community of loyal customers. But where? A Facebook group? Perhaps a podcast or YouTube channel? In this conversation, Randy Lee offers real-life advice about each of these avenues for growing a community. Plus, he's a funny guy so it's a fun listen.

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Improving Sales & Maketing

Ep. 53
*Customer interviews*  Most business owners overlook this gold mine, and it's right at their finger tips. Literally. This treasure trove of info is just a phone call away. In this episode, I delve into the why, the how and the questions to include in your customer interviews.

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In this episode...

viewing sales a system and a skill set to be practiced, not a personality trait you're either born with or you're not

Ep. 51
On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rank your confidence with sales? Well, after listening to Natasha Hemmingway teach you about the skills needed to be good at sales, you'll definitely feel more confident! Sales isn't a personality type; it's a thing to be learned and practiced.

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In this episode...

how to be more productive, while still caring for yourseff, others and your business.

Ep. 48

We often live by the "I'll sleep when I'm dead" mindset. But, is that actually most productive? (hint - no) In this episode, Dana Stone teaches us about sleep and productivity.  (Don't we all want to get more sleep and be more productive?!)

In this episode...

how to hire so your business can grow (and you stop juggling. all. the. things.)

Ep. 49

We hold so tightly to our businesses. But in doing so, are we stifling our growth? In this episode with Emily Perron we talk about hiring. Do you hire a freelancer or an employee? What should be your expectations with a new hire? Plus, much more.

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In this episode...

how to position your product or service so your customers understand it and, better yet, buy it.

Ep. 47

Ever had a great product or service that you struggled to sell? If you answered yes (or just want to be better at selling), this episode is for you! April's book Obviously Awesome is one of my favorite marketing reads. 

In this episode...

how to take lessons from 2020 and thrive in 2021

Ep. 46

Look, 2020 was tough on all of us! Even for the natural born entrepreneurs like Ericka Edwards. In this episode, Ericka shares her lessons from 2020 and how she's using them to tackle 2021.

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